You may recall that I’ve been involved in Podcasts with the wonderful Network Ireland Cork for a while now. It started with an invitation to host a one-off session with my amazing colleagues Orla McAndrew and Karla Goodman on the topic of taking leaps of faith. It was a great experience, we had lots of fun and we shared lots of great tips. You can hear it all here.
Things then developed further and the same great network invited me to host a series of podcasts on the theme of coaching. I wasn’t sure I was ready! Despite enjoying the experience as a host, I felt I was better suited to being a guest. I was reluctant! But we are called to serve. And so I stepped up and was joined by fantastic guests and contributors: Anna Healy, Ailbhe Harrington MA MCC, Cathy Fitzgibbon MBus aka The Culinary Celt and Angela Smiddy. You can hear all the sessions on Spotify in the Network Ireland Cork Online Lounge.
I thought that was the end of my podcast journey. Little did I know it was only beginning, looking back now, I was simply being prepared for what was to come.
If you were with me recently for my Vision Workshop, you know the power of immersive experiences! And if you follow my journey, you know I was in Sedona earlier this year for one such experience. Sedona was a powerful and impactful time in my life, where I tuned in further to my purpose and to how I can continue to support you to create change and transformation in your life.

One of the things that I feel constantly called to do more of is to share my work with men! This may seem strange as I am known in a lot of places for the work I do with women exclusively. Maybe that’s how you and I came into contact? I have been a Champion and contributor to the Aurora program with Advance HE, I design and lead several women-only in-house programs for organizations and I have been the lead facilitator on the Higher Education Authority-funded Preparing for Academic Advancement program. A program for female academics in Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor positions who aspire to Professorship. I’m proud of that work and the contribution I make and I fundamentally believe in the value of women-only program. I fully intend to continue this work and serve my female clients to my fullest ability.
That said, I am also a wife and mother! I live in an all-male household. I work with men every day. I see my male colleagues and friends, clients and subscribers facing challenges and struggles. I hear the self-doubt and questioning. I recognize the desire to create different results, better outcomes and the same sense of not knowing how to do that. And I know I can help with that.
All of this came up in force when I was in Sedona. Like I said, it was an immersive experience and we went deep into questions like What would I love? What’s my purpose? How can I best serve? And I shared with my co-participants that I felt this calling to be more in service to and in support of men and that I didn’t know how I could do that.
We were in a mixed group and one brave and kind male colleague reached out. As he said himself at the time, he didn’t really know why he was being urged to connect or where it would lead, but he said something along the lines of ‘Maeve I feel called to support you in that. I think there is something we could do together that would contribute something to the world, for men and women. Let’s talk!’
So talk we did. And over a number of months, we developed the concept for a podcast! One that we’d co-host! Initially I fought it. But in truth, even I had to acknowledge that I was being nudged in the direction of hosting a podcast for over a year at that stage!
We kept exploring, juggling the time differences between Ireland and Canada and building up a concept to support our listeners with real stories of navigating life’s challenges and real tools and strategies to create transformation and maintain the positive changes created.
I am so proud to introduce our podcast: Life, Change, Transformation, with the first episode available at the hyperlink. My co-host and contributor is the wonderful Gary Benoit, co-founder of the Frontline Resiliency project, with his wife Colette, and author of A Call for Service: Overcoming Adversity through Resilience.
In the podcast, our aim is to support you in finding ways to overcome your own challenges, to develop or amplify your resilience and to share with you tools and strategies to create transformation in your life. We are both lifelong learners, avid students of the spiritual side of success as well as being grounded in practical ways to create and maintain change.
The podcast schedule is fortnightly (i.e., every two weeks for our Canadian audience!) and each episode is strictly 30 minutes or less in duration so you can more easily fit it into your busy schedule!
If you desire to live life by design, to get off auto-pilot and create new results you love, you will want to add the Life, Change, Transformation Podcast to your playlist. Start tuning in now for inspiration, information and practical tips and strategies to move you forward.
And if you’re ready for your own immersive retreat experience, I’m inviting you today to consider my Spiritual Immersion Retreat coming up 24-26 November. If you’ve worked with me previously and you know you’d love this experience you can sign up at the link. If you’re new to how I coach, I encourage you to reach out and book a call together so we can make sure this is a great fit for you at this time.