Time to let go

Autumn has really arrived here in Ireland. The trees are turning, and we are blessed with a glorious symphony of colours – yellows, reds, purple, gold, orange. It’s beautiful.

And there is something about the way in which the leaves release their leaves that is inspiring and that is what I want to talk about with you today. When autumn comes, the trees let go of their leaves without a fight! There is no resistance. To me it looks like a soft sigh, almost like a gentle kiss of farewell, and individual leaves just drop away from the branches that held them.

I think there is so much for all of us to learn from that. I think we would benefit from being more like trees in being able to release whatever has come to the end of its season in our lives.

In my work with clients, we focus a lot on three fundamental steps to creating transformation in our lives: 

1 – Vision

2 – Decision

3 – Action

We’ll be discussing these in great detail at the forthcoming Vision Workshop Live in Cork 18-20 October. I really encourage you to join me to end 2024 strong! You can still sign up here.

For today, let’s stick with our theme of releasing and letting go. It is a significant part of Step 2 – Decision. 

The word Decide comes from the Latin root, de cere – to cut away from. When you think about this in the context of your life and your vision and the results you’d love to create, deciding to go for your vision includes cutting away from all that is not like those new end results you want to create.

It makes sense of course! Let’s look at a few examples. If you want to create fitness, you have to stop sitting around watching Netflix every spare hour; if you want to meet the love of your life, you have to stop staying home, feeling sad and lonely; if you want to create more impact in your work, you have to stop holding back from sharing your great ideas and insights for fear of getting it wrong…

Joe Dispenza puts it quite poetically, he says “you can’t create a new personal reality with the same personality”.

Your personality is made up of how you think, feel and act. In order to create new results, you have to start thinking in new and different ways, which causes you to start to feel differently and that allows you to act in new ways that can enable new results.

And part of how we make room for the new is to release the old.

So, what old ways of thinking, feeling and acting do you need to release?

Bring to mind a change that you’ve been wanting to make for a while, where you’re not getting traction or have plateaued.

What kind of thinking are you bringing to that situation? Most likely it’s along the lines of e.g., this always happens to me!’ ‘I always fall off the wagon after a few weeks/months etc,’ ‘Maybe this isn’t for me after all?’ ‘Maybe I haven’t got what it takes?’

How does that thinking make you feel? Despondent? Disappointed? Unfulfilled?

How does feeling like that impact the actions you are taking?

Most likely you have stopped doing the things you could be doing that would move you forwards and you’re telling yourself it’s not working and/or not worth the effort.

How do I know all of this? Because it happens to me too! As we learn to create transformation and apply the understanding in our lives, it doesn’t mean that you’ll never have setbacks in achieving your goals. Instead, we get better at identifying what’s going on so we can clear blocks and move on!

So let me help you with that today! It’s time to let go of those old ways of thinking and behaving. And I invite you to make that as easy as the trees letting go of their leaves.

Every time you notice a limiting belief, just thank it for doing it’s best for you and release it because you no longer need it.

Make time to anchor in some new, more empowering thought patterns. Here are a few to start you off:

          🌟  This is just what it looks like while it’s all working out.

          🌟  I’ve got what it takes and I’m doing this thing.

          🌟  I’m bigger than my setbacks and I deserve to live a life I love.

As you repeat these new ideas to yourself (a lot!) you will start to believe them, you start to feel a bit more empowered and as you start to act from that higher vibration, you will start to harden into fact the new results you’d love.

And as sure as the new growth comes to the trees in the Spring, so too will you see your new results grow in your life.

Cover photo by Jonny Gios for Unsplash