Napoleon Hill, writing in the 1930s, coined the phrase Master Mind Group in his book Think and Grow Rich. He defined Master Mind groups as the
“coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose”.
While Hill’s research focused on people who had been successful in business, the concept has since been widely adapted by people working in all spheres, including business, the arts, the sciences and even among stay at home Mompreneurs.
At the end of the day, mastermind groups enable members to
- focus on a specific goal
- find the support and resources to achieve that goal
- commit to action and
- be held accountable for taking that action.
The power of the group
Many people attempt to go it alone when making changes and most of the time, even if we start out strong, over time we falter and often we fail. We are social beings and we work best in community. Further, as Hill noted, a group of batteries provide more power than one battery! Mastermind groups provide that kind of enhanced power or energy.
How does it work?
Mastermind groups provide a structure in which members can come together, for mutual support and benefit, and provide opportunities for
- Brainstorming
- Finding solutions
- Sharing different perspectives
- Making decisions
- Taking action
- Being accountable
One of the reasons it is so effective is because it opens up our thinking. As Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. Mastermind groups provide a wonderful opportunity for new thinking around the issues that up until now have confounded us or kept us stuck.
Mastermind Groups also provide a “shot in the arm” as one of my group coaching clients described it. In order to have hope we have to have options and Mastermind groups are a great source of identifying new and additional options for ways forward. This gives us the energy, optimism and courage to take the next step. They also provide the accountability piece that most of us need to keep us focused and on track. Having to report on progress to a group of people who are rooting for you is both a support and a challenge! Either way, we are more inclined to get the hard stuff done.
Mutuality is key
Hill said at the outset “No intelligent person will either request or expect another to work without adequate compensation, although this may not always be in the form of money”. In the context of your Mastermind Group all members of the group therefore, bring an issue they are working on to the table and commit to supporting everyone else in relation to ideas for their issue. This kind of mutuality is key to the success of the group.
What would be possible if the people around you refused to let you fail?
What is your next move? What is the Wild Audacious Goal that you’ve conceived but have held back from committing to because you’re afraid you haven’t got what it takes or you only know half of what you might need to do to attain it?
Mastermind Groups can provide the missing link, that in-between step that will enable you to step into your next move with the kind of support to help make it over the line. I’ve seen Masterminds work in relation to relation to, e.g., business expansion; preparing for interviews and promotion; writing and getting published; developing in your managerial and leadership roles, gaining momentum and direction around personal development goals.
So what is your next big idea that you need some support to implement? Or what challenge or obstacle are you facing that you need help to overcome and generate new ideas and solutions to gain forward momentum again?
Why not join me for the Pop Up Mastermind Group to participate in a Coach led Mastermind process that will give you ideas, solutions, tools and strategies for a giant leap forward in living the life you love.
Find out more and get your tickets here: